We hated to see students fail or give up because they didn’t believe in themselves.
Pete believed that when a student knows they have worth they will give worth away to others, and when a student thinks they are worthless they will throw their life away.
Join us as Pete shares all of his tips and insights that helped him teach with influence.
Pete Hinojosa was honored by his students when they voted him the funniest, most enthusiastic, best teacher at Kingwood High School.
Get ready to laugh and learn with this incredible offer from award-winning educator A.G. “Pete” Hinojosa. We know that being a teacher in today’s environment is filled with change and can be all kinds of stressful.
Escape from the stress and experience an uplifting, application driven presentation with social emotional learning at its core.
Pete can’t wait for you to take more than two decades of his teaching experience so you can create a classroom culture of influence. You will better understand yourself and your students.
BONUS – you will also gain insights on better working with parents, peers, and principals.

Pete is a Master Storyteller and has been Recognized:
- By Zig Ziglar as “Better than Good” and “Passing it on to the Next generation!” in Zig’s latest book, “Better than Good”.
- Three times as an Outstanding Secondary Educator in the Nation
- Eight times as a recipient of “The Who’s Who in American High School Teachers”
- Six Times Nominated Teacher of the Year
- His students honored Pete when they voted him the funniest, most enthusiastic, and best teacher at Kingwood High School
Quest Leadership Dynamics is pleased to present this fun and informative Leadership Package for the Teachers of today!
As COPYRIGHTED information and your Continuing Education Hours in mind this kit includes downloadable content that is ONE PERSON USE but can be viewed on multiple devices!
You will receive a Certificate of Completion that you can share with your Principal and keep for your records.
A Little sneak preview of the class content….
The Standard
Teaching with Influence Kit Includes:
- Teaching with Influence – A Three Part Video Series taught by the Master Trainer himself, A. G. “Pete” Hinojosa. This video series is a must for any teacher that wishes to connect with their students more effectively and have excellent classroom management skills. A $500.00 Value on its own!
- IQ3 – Solving your People Puzzles handout • Influence and Control Handout
- A Certificate of Completion for finishing the Teaching with Influence Course
- Teaching DISC Communication Cards – 4 Piece Color Set – These 8.5”x11” cards are your special guide to connecting with your students, parents, or co-workers. They give you a quick at-a-glance reflection to help you build the right relationships in the right way! A $14.95 Value!
- Strengths and Struggles Cards – 4 Piece Color Set – These 8.5”x11” cards are a quick guide to recalling what it is you exceed at and struggle with. It will give you a way to help you take a step back and recognizing when you may be struggling. A $14.95 Value!
You can have all of this in the
Standard Teaching with Influence Kit
for the low price of $99.99!
For only $29.99 more, Upgrade your Standard Kit to the Deluxe Teaching with Influence
This Upgrade Includes:
- An MP3 download of the Teaching with Influence Series – For when you want to only listen to the information being presented. A $100.00 Value!
- ABCs of Teaching downloadable Poster – This is an 11”x17” Full Color desk poster illustrating 26 reminders from A to Z that creates a culture of positive influence for your classroom. A $5.00 Value!
- 14 Downloadable Teacher Posters Set – Accelerate character in the classroom! Start your year off right with these vibrant colorful 11”x 17” posters that share with your students just the right messages they need to know. A $70.00 Value!
- Two Fantastic eBooks – Two professional learning eBooks filled with extra insights and applicable information to help you live a life of influence. The two books included are: The ABCs of Teaching and How to Teach to the Four Personalities. A $20.00 Value!
- Pete’s Newest eBook: The Virtual World and DISC – An eBook all about the virtual world and how to navigate according to the personalities of DISC. Great information for people going into a highly virtual environment. A $10.00 Value!